I havent blogged for sometime now. I promise this is the last blog for this year. Hope to see you all next year. I want to thank those who actually read StayingAliveInCollege. I think I humor myself more than my readers. So thank you for writing me and telling me your thoughts. Thanks to Lizzy who helps me when I have writers block. You are awesome. Thanks to everyone who has inspired me and dont even know it.
So a New Year means a new beginning and something great to come your way!
Rule11# Hey, Do you like paste?
Remember those good old days when you could push the kid off the chair, help them up, and then become their best friend? Or was that just me? Anyway, how do you make friends when you are an adult. This has been bugging me but it is possible to find someone else who isn't interested in paste and does just listen to the Jonas Brothers. If you were dying to figure out the name of the girl next to you in class, just state these few easy words, "Hey, I was wondering if you got the notes from last class because I didnt understand half the things Mr. Bob the Builder said." Its that easy. Hello isnt that hard. Just be yourself and brush your teeth.
Rule 12#. But you are a cheater beater who eats pumpkin eaters.
Games we play in college stay with us all our years. They can be fun or just plain stupid. But you enjoy playing them anyway. Ok, I have one game to play. Its called the Name game. Its a great way to meet new people. Place chairs in a circle(one less the amount of players you have). There should be one person in the middle. Before you start, makes sure you go around and find out everyones' names! So the middle person is trying to get out of the middle. This is where it gets fun. The person in the middle has a foam finger as their tool(power to the finger). The goal is to wack a person who is sitting down before they say a name
Example: Guy in the middle walks up to a girl and says her name before wacking her
"Sarah" wack. She stands up and she ends up in the middle and he sits in the seat. BUT. If she says a name before he wacks her then he has to go to the person with the name she said.
Middle guy says "Sarah" before he wacks her, she says "Ben". Now he needs to go to Ben and try to wack him before he says a name.
Get it. Well. I hope you do!
Well, next time I have a short rule on guys but please enjoy your New Year!
Good luck and God bless
The challenging life of both single and college student life. Simple tips to get through day to day without pulling out your hair
Staying Alive In College

Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Santa Louis says!...
Merry Christmas everyone! I understand that not all of you celebrate so I will make my first politically correct statement:Happy Tummy. I have noticed that every holiday has plenty of food. So Happy Tummy it is. But I will always celebrate Christmas and remember the real reason for the season.
I have two rules for today!
Rule #10: Dear Santa, Please delete what I did yesterday and read my list!
I am a full believer in Santa. I love the guy. He is jolly and brings a kind of magic to the month. Even though we are in college, that shouldnt stop you from writing a Santa letter. Write down your greatest wants. Something fun! Crank up the radio or your favorite Elvis Christmas cd and start writing. Its fun and it makes you feel like a kid again! Note: Do not sit on Santa's lap. You are about 15-20 points heavier than you were say at age 8. And prices of photos with Santa have gone up. But remember, the real Santa is at Macy's! So drag your little cousin and say you are going just for him. Santa can do a two for one!
Rule #11: What you talking about Santa Louis!
Ok, I am talking about decorating for Christmas(or Happy Tummy). So I heard you can get cheap stuff at Fred Meyer! But I am the unknown spokesperson for Walmart and the Dollar Store. I walked into the Dollar Store the other day and found everything I needed. They had a little tree and ornaments. I even found some lights! It was perfect! I walked out the store with three bags and only spent 10-13 dollars. They even had Christmas bags and stuffed santa dolls. Very cute stuff!
With everything you do, do it with a smile on your face. This time of year is for family, friends, magic, and faith!. Just remember the reason for the season. And please dont ask me what a partridge is!
Merry Christmas
Good luck and God bless
I have two rules for today!
Rule #10: Dear Santa, Please delete what I did yesterday and read my list!
I am a full believer in Santa. I love the guy. He is jolly and brings a kind of magic to the month. Even though we are in college, that shouldnt stop you from writing a Santa letter. Write down your greatest wants. Something fun! Crank up the radio or your favorite Elvis Christmas cd and start writing. Its fun and it makes you feel like a kid again! Note: Do not sit on Santa's lap. You are about 15-20 points heavier than you were say at age 8. And prices of photos with Santa have gone up. But remember, the real Santa is at Macy's! So drag your little cousin and say you are going just for him. Santa can do a two for one!
Rule #11: What you talking about Santa Louis!
Ok, I am talking about decorating for Christmas(or Happy Tummy). So I heard you can get cheap stuff at Fred Meyer! But I am the unknown spokesperson for Walmart and the Dollar Store. I walked into the Dollar Store the other day and found everything I needed. They had a little tree and ornaments. I even found some lights! It was perfect! I walked out the store with three bags and only spent 10-13 dollars. They even had Christmas bags and stuffed santa dolls. Very cute stuff!
With everything you do, do it with a smile on your face. This time of year is for family, friends, magic, and faith!. Just remember the reason for the season. And please dont ask me what a partridge is!
Merry Christmas
Good luck and God bless
Friday, December 4, 2009
Swinging doors and Finals Chocolate Music!
Sorry, it has been awhile since I have been on here! I hope finals are going well and the Christmas shopping. Yes, it is that time of year. Spilled hot chocolate while walking out Starbucks and your mind going completely blank when your professor asked you to define the word 'happy'. Was it a trick question? Oh, wait that was my week. Ok. But never trust those auto doors. They ar truly out to get you! They just want to see that hot chocolate dump on your new top right before your next class.
Anywoo. I have rule#9 right here.
Santa's List: Three pencils, two jobs to pay for all I will spend,and partridge in a pear tree.
It is that time of season to study and to study hard. Finals week is just around the corner. Even though you have a hard time remembering what the square root of 12 was, you can try to dust off those text books. Two weeks you can make it, but with a little help. It seems like a lot of my answers to problems have to do with music. This may be true! So enjoy the Christmas celebration with a lovely Silver Bells!
When you have time to pull yourself away from the Intro to Biology(I'm sorry), do some of your Christmas shopping. Being in college, money can be tight. So, every year I go to a craft shop and buy those nice little ornaments you decorate. People enjoy a little bit of love with their gift. If you aren't arty, then I am sorry. Just kidding. If you have siblings, spend a little one on one time with them. Even the smallest things can be the greatest gift.
So, as college students we like to have fun. So chill out with Nysnc Christmas and Relient K Christmas music cds. So what's a partridge? What's a pear tree? I dont know so please dont ask me! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.
Good luck and God bless
Anywoo. I have rule#9 right here.
Santa's List: Three pencils, two jobs to pay for all I will spend,and partridge in a pear tree.
It is that time of season to study and to study hard. Finals week is just around the corner. Even though you have a hard time remembering what the square root of 12 was, you can try to dust off those text books. Two weeks you can make it, but with a little help. It seems like a lot of my answers to problems have to do with music. This may be true! So enjoy the Christmas celebration with a lovely Silver Bells!
When you have time to pull yourself away from the Intro to Biology(I'm sorry), do some of your Christmas shopping. Being in college, money can be tight. So, every year I go to a craft shop and buy those nice little ornaments you decorate. People enjoy a little bit of love with their gift. If you aren't arty, then I am sorry. Just kidding. If you have siblings, spend a little one on one time with them. Even the smallest things can be the greatest gift.
So, as college students we like to have fun. So chill out with Nysnc Christmas and Relient K Christmas music cds. So what's a partridge? What's a pear tree? I dont know so please dont ask me! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.
Good luck and God bless
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Writing, Pure Highschool!
I love breaks! I love how you don't have to do work, but actually take a break. Imagine that! Even though a break is coming soon, I still have one rant! Ranting Tuesday has come!
Writer's Block. You know the feeling. You are staring at a computer screen for over 40 minutes. All you can type is, " In the beginning God created, " or "Four scores and seven years ago.". This is where the plagiarism rule comes to play. You might not be able to get away with this. But what do you do?
Rule #8: Highschool Watson, pure highschool watson!
So, do you think you are thinking too hard? Probably so! It happens. So walk away from the computer and think about something else. You are smarter than a 5th grader, if you try. Maybe try doing something else. A normal person can't focus on one thing for longer then 10 minutes. After dusting those shelves of college texts you havent opened since the first week of classes, you will think of something.
Do a little dance. Do a little homework. Get down tonight!
Good luck and God bless!
Writer's Block. You know the feeling. You are staring at a computer screen for over 40 minutes. All you can type is, " In the beginning God created, " or "Four scores and seven years ago.". This is where the plagiarism rule comes to play. You might not be able to get away with this. But what do you do?
Rule #8: Highschool Watson, pure highschool watson!
So, do you think you are thinking too hard? Probably so! It happens. So walk away from the computer and think about something else. You are smarter than a 5th grader, if you try. Maybe try doing something else. A normal person can't focus on one thing for longer then 10 minutes. After dusting those shelves of college texts you havent opened since the first week of classes, you will think of something.
Do a little dance. Do a little homework. Get down tonight!
Good luck and God bless!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Free Hugs
It is Tuesday, making it Rant Tuesday. I have a one rant that make college life not always a great experience.
I need to rant about professors today! We all have to sit in their classes for hours on end. We listen to their mouths move, but all we can hear is blablabla. But when the professor says that he will always check his/her email to answer questions, is this always true? Half the time it isn't. So you are stuck in class trying to figure out last week's homework in this weeks class. The email is just sitting in their drop box. Their links don't always work, and you are stuck with guessing on half the work.
Rule #6- Make sure you find the answer someway or somehow, without cheating!!
I love YahooAnswers! (my little public announcement). Your homework question is often answered within 10 minutes. If this doesnt work, google the question and see what comes up. Don't be left without an answer. It is your responsiblity to finish the work. If you still dont get it, dont be afraid to stay after class and ask someone. You are their to learn.
Rule #7- Clean, then hug!
I love free stuff. I think more colleges would have more students if they placed a "Free Stuff" sign up above the campus building. I wouldnt mind a "Free Hug" sign either. You feel sad and down. Well, there is nothing better than a free hug. Now, being flu season, I need lysol wipes. But I will spray you down, for a free hug. Its like a nice, 'I will be ok' moment when someone stops to give you a hug.
So next time you see a guy holding up a sign saying "Free Hugs", take out your Hand cleaner(glop it on his hands. make sure he rubs) and give him a big hug. It will make you feel better and the guy with the sign feel better.
Good luck and God bless
I need to rant about professors today! We all have to sit in their classes for hours on end. We listen to their mouths move, but all we can hear is blablabla. But when the professor says that he will always check his/her email to answer questions, is this always true? Half the time it isn't. So you are stuck in class trying to figure out last week's homework in this weeks class. The email is just sitting in their drop box. Their links don't always work, and you are stuck with guessing on half the work.
Rule #6- Make sure you find the answer someway or somehow, without cheating!!
I love YahooAnswers! (my little public announcement). Your homework question is often answered within 10 minutes. If this doesnt work, google the question and see what comes up. Don't be left without an answer. It is your responsiblity to finish the work. If you still dont get it, dont be afraid to stay after class and ask someone. You are their to learn.
Rule #7- Clean, then hug!
I love free stuff. I think more colleges would have more students if they placed a "Free Stuff" sign up above the campus building. I wouldnt mind a "Free Hug" sign either. You feel sad and down. Well, there is nothing better than a free hug. Now, being flu season, I need lysol wipes. But I will spray you down, for a free hug. Its like a nice, 'I will be ok' moment when someone stops to give you a hug.
So next time you see a guy holding up a sign saying "Free Hugs", take out your Hand cleaner(glop it on his hands. make sure he rubs) and give him a big hug. It will make you feel better and the guy with the sign feel better.
Good luck and God bless
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Rolling Down the River...
Well, I was thinking yesterday how busy life really is. Before the semester, I focused on spending time with family, friends, working out, and just going day to day. During the semester, you cant do this. You need a plan.
Rule#4: Rule it then Do it!
Make sure you make it a plan in your life to make a plan! Yes, you will have to remind yourself to plan your day. Funny, a. Sticky notes are great. Pink, orange, and yellow ones all over your dorm wall reminding you to make reminders. So if you are tired of the plain white walls...
But within this plan you need time to work out. Never buy a gym membership. I find it funny that the people who say they need one are already skinny. Or maybe its the new place to find a date. But, who wants to really come up to you when your wearing sweats, a over sized hoodie, and stained sneakers. Yep, I feel so attractive looking like that. Dont forget my glossy lips. I promise you that is not gloss making them shine.
Rule #5 : Rollin, Rollin,Rollin Down the River
Dancing! Staring at the guy lifting weights at the gym might be an interesting past time but you wont get anywhere. Turn up the volume on your stereo and rock it out. In the back of your dorm closet you have those cds. You know the ones. They are boy bands with Nsync and Backstreet boys. Be proud to say bye bye bye to the donut you ate in study hall! Spend 15mins every night dancing and moving around to a song on the radio. Not only will you have fun but you will feel great! You might miss the guy at the gym. Personally, I rather be singing with JC and Justin without my makeup on. They dont judge my sweats nor my incredible air guitar. Its a win win!
Good luck and God bless,
Rule#4: Rule it then Do it!
Make sure you make it a plan in your life to make a plan! Yes, you will have to remind yourself to plan your day. Funny, a. Sticky notes are great. Pink, orange, and yellow ones all over your dorm wall reminding you to make reminders. So if you are tired of the plain white walls...
But within this plan you need time to work out. Never buy a gym membership. I find it funny that the people who say they need one are already skinny. Or maybe its the new place to find a date. But, who wants to really come up to you when your wearing sweats, a over sized hoodie, and stained sneakers. Yep, I feel so attractive looking like that. Dont forget my glossy lips. I promise you that is not gloss making them shine.
Rule #5 : Rollin, Rollin,Rollin Down the River
Dancing! Staring at the guy lifting weights at the gym might be an interesting past time but you wont get anywhere. Turn up the volume on your stereo and rock it out. In the back of your dorm closet you have those cds. You know the ones. They are boy bands with Nsync and Backstreet boys. Be proud to say bye bye bye to the donut you ate in study hall! Spend 15mins every night dancing and moving around to a song on the radio. Not only will you have fun but you will feel great! You might miss the guy at the gym. Personally, I rather be singing with JC and Justin without my makeup on. They dont judge my sweats nor my incredible air guitar. Its a win win!
Good luck and God bless,
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
School and Muy Fresco
College is a job all in its own. Its like working for a boss that pays you in As and Bs. But I will work for cheerios. Living this way is tiring. I just want to crash on my bed and sleep through the entire semester.
I now dream in Spanish. Yep, muy fresco! Si. lol. I also dream in American Government and Literature. I had a dream where I was running from a guy saying, " Como estas, chica. Como estas, chica." The saddest thing is that we are only half way through the semester. HALF WAY! I need a break! I need time off.
Rule #3: Sing in the shower and sleep a little later.
So we are trying to make it through the rest of the semester. Try this little wake up tool. Sing in the shower and sing LOUD! "ITS A HARD ENOUGH LIFE FOR US. ITS A HARD ENOUGH LIFE FOR US.DADADDDA. " Annie songs are a good choice. Try " I FEEL THE LOVE, I FEEL THE LOVE, ITS REALLY REAL. WALKING ON SUNSHINE. OHYEAH!!" Classic and you feel good. You will start dancing under the hot water. When you step out, you are ready for the day.
I am the kind of person who needs sleep, atleast 5 hours. But I havent been getting the needed amount. Try to sleep a little later. If you can't, go to bed a little earlier. Get sleep. If you can't seem to shut your eyes, try watching infomercials. We might love Oxy Clean and that ladder thingy, but after 10 minutes you will be out!
Have fun!
Good luck and God bless
The Junior
I now dream in Spanish. Yep, muy fresco! Si. lol. I also dream in American Government and Literature. I had a dream where I was running from a guy saying, " Como estas, chica. Como estas, chica." The saddest thing is that we are only half way through the semester. HALF WAY! I need a break! I need time off.
Rule #3: Sing in the shower and sleep a little later.
So we are trying to make it through the rest of the semester. Try this little wake up tool. Sing in the shower and sing LOUD! "ITS A HARD ENOUGH LIFE FOR US. ITS A HARD ENOUGH LIFE FOR US.DADADDDA. " Annie songs are a good choice. Try " I FEEL THE LOVE, I FEEL THE LOVE, ITS REALLY REAL. WALKING ON SUNSHINE. OHYEAH!!" Classic and you feel good. You will start dancing under the hot water. When you step out, you are ready for the day.
I am the kind of person who needs sleep, atleast 5 hours. But I havent been getting the needed amount. Try to sleep a little later. If you can't, go to bed a little earlier. Get sleep. If you can't seem to shut your eyes, try watching infomercials. We might love Oxy Clean and that ladder thingy, but after 10 minutes you will be out!
Have fun!
Good luck and God bless
The Junior
Friday, October 9, 2009
Finally! After slaving away on midterms, I am done(for now). One thing.
One go hit the movies this weekend. We got Free Style with the handsome Corbin Bleu. Don't forget to see Whip It! The lovely Drew Barrymore will be in the up and coming star Ellen Page.
I'm done with that little public announcement.
One go hit the movies this weekend. We got Free Style with the handsome Corbin Bleu. Don't forget to see Whip It! The lovely Drew Barrymore will be in the up and coming star Ellen Page.
I'm done with that little public announcement.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Legally Blonde and Poptarts
I was watching Legally Blonde the other night. Not the greatest of movies, but it made me think. You probably are saying to yourself, "Why? Its a dumb movie." But think about it. College is not all fun and games. You have to work at it. You have to prove yourself. You have to be ready for anything. You have to have good hair. Wait no, you dont have to. Its ok to have split ends. YES!!!
This is my midterm week. So I need to prove myself more then ever. So I have a tip for you.
Rule 2# The human mind cant focus on any one thing for more than 10 minutes. SO TAKE A POPTART BREAK.
Dont be stuck in your dormroom all week studying. Hit the books, but make sure you take a second and breath. Everything will be ok. Its a hard time, but you will make it.
So get As and Bs. Breath! Never watch Legally Blonde more then ONCE and enjoy your Poptarts.
Good luck and God Bless
The Junior
This is my midterm week. So I need to prove myself more then ever. So I have a tip for you.
Rule 2# The human mind cant focus on any one thing for more than 10 minutes. SO TAKE A POPTART BREAK.
Dont be stuck in your dormroom all week studying. Hit the books, but make sure you take a second and breath. Everything will be ok. Its a hard time, but you will make it.
So get As and Bs. Breath! Never watch Legally Blonde more then ONCE and enjoy your Poptarts.
Good luck and God Bless
The Junior
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Confessions of the Ranting College Student
Ok every Tuesday, I will have a new rant! Sorry, but there are somethings about college and single life that I have to complain about.
First off, girls( I dont know if guys do this) turn off your cellphones while in the bathroom. Dont talk on your phone while using the restroom. That is just plain nasty.
Secondly, college is not your dormroom. I know in your dorm you like the comfy clothes with the slippers. Thank you God for creating the man/woman who designed fuzzy pink slippers. It has made my world a better place. But dont come to class in them. Its just wrong. Your professer dresses up in nice clothes and showers, but you dont. Yes, you dont shower! You know who you are. The smelly kid in the back row. You have the sweats, the baggy tshirt, and the slippers. Your hair is sticking every where. That's not styling jell keeping the back of your head flat. I like to call it NAP HAP!
Last, but not least, I would love to rant about the pursy girls. You know your name. Some are Brittany's or Katie's or Jamie's. Whatever your name is. You cant fit all of your books into a little purse or that Mary Poppins thing you lug around. If you want to share my book once, I'm ok with that. But over and over, every class! Backpacks can be a fashion statement.
Todays tip: Purchase a backpack or a mailbag. You will use it for the rest of your life!
Good luck and God bless,
The Junior
First off, girls( I dont know if guys do this) turn off your cellphones while in the bathroom. Dont talk on your phone while using the restroom. That is just plain nasty.
Secondly, college is not your dormroom. I know in your dorm you like the comfy clothes with the slippers. Thank you God for creating the man/woman who designed fuzzy pink slippers. It has made my world a better place. But dont come to class in them. Its just wrong. Your professer dresses up in nice clothes and showers, but you dont. Yes, you dont shower! You know who you are. The smelly kid in the back row. You have the sweats, the baggy tshirt, and the slippers. Your hair is sticking every where. That's not styling jell keeping the back of your head flat. I like to call it NAP HAP!
Last, but not least, I would love to rant about the pursy girls. You know your name. Some are Brittany's or Katie's or Jamie's. Whatever your name is. You cant fit all of your books into a little purse or that Mary Poppins thing you lug around. If you want to share my book once, I'm ok with that. But over and over, every class! Backpacks can be a fashion statement.
Todays tip: Purchase a backpack or a mailbag. You will use it for the rest of your life!
Good luck and God bless,
The Junior
Monday, October 5, 2009
Peanut Butter and water!
This is the life a college student. This is a handbook on how to survive college and the first few years after.
Rule 1# Peanut butter and water!
Surviving college is like watching the sun set at noon, the time takes forever and you can get a horrible sun burn if you dont have the proper supplies. Morning classes can be a torture. Waking up at 6, running out the door without coffee, breakfast, or your glasses. Then sitting through a 2 hour class about the history of the apple tree (of course you dont care and you would rather watch your hair grow!). This has happened to me more then once! Sometimes, I want to roll up in a little ball and cry, while chanting the words " I want my mommy" in Spanish to practice for the upcoming test.
If you feel like this in the morning, take a bottle of water(NOT COFFEE). Coffee drains you quickly. Right when the professor asks you to describe the foundation of the ancient Western civilization in atleast 3 examples, you feel like takinga nap on your desk using the textbook as a pillow. Water keeps you going and awake. Water also helps with hunger pains, so dont worry about the first year weight gain!
Last but not least, I say peanut butter makes life better! Do you realize how many kinds of peanut butter are out there! Its incredible. Dark chocolate peanut butter, cranberry peanut butter, and my favorite, extra chunky peanut butter. This is a fast breakfast. It sounds nasty but it works!. Take a spoon and spoon out a chunk of the peanut butter and eat that on the way to class(either plain or on a piece of bread). Protein will keep you awake, in shape, and builds up the memory. It also tastes incredible.
Good luck and God speed,
The Junior!
Rule 1# Peanut butter and water!
Surviving college is like watching the sun set at noon, the time takes forever and you can get a horrible sun burn if you dont have the proper supplies. Morning classes can be a torture. Waking up at 6, running out the door without coffee, breakfast, or your glasses. Then sitting through a 2 hour class about the history of the apple tree (of course you dont care and you would rather watch your hair grow!). This has happened to me more then once! Sometimes, I want to roll up in a little ball and cry, while chanting the words " I want my mommy" in Spanish to practice for the upcoming test.
If you feel like this in the morning, take a bottle of water(NOT COFFEE). Coffee drains you quickly. Right when the professor asks you to describe the foundation of the ancient Western civilization in atleast 3 examples, you feel like takinga nap on your desk using the textbook as a pillow. Water keeps you going and awake. Water also helps with hunger pains, so dont worry about the first year weight gain!
Last but not least, I say peanut butter makes life better! Do you realize how many kinds of peanut butter are out there! Its incredible. Dark chocolate peanut butter, cranberry peanut butter, and my favorite, extra chunky peanut butter. This is a fast breakfast. It sounds nasty but it works!. Take a spoon and spoon out a chunk of the peanut butter and eat that on the way to class(either plain or on a piece of bread). Protein will keep you awake, in shape, and builds up the memory. It also tastes incredible.
Good luck and God speed,
The Junior!
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