I pride myself on being completely clueless when it comes to relationships outside of friendships. Being a naturally shy person, I can't stand being in a situation where I have to be charming, adorable,talkative, and still keep that mysterious attitude. I'm sorry, but there is way too much pressure these days.
Summer often brings even more pressure. You have to look good and find that 'summer romance' you see in the movies. Well, not every guy is Gerald Butler nor is every girl is a Megan Fox.
Rule 22: Na,na,na,na Diva is the female version of a hustla.
Even though the opposite sex has that Fox or Butler quality to them, it doesn't mean that they are the brightest individuals out there. This means you need to get to know them before you ask the 'coffee question'. Hang out as friends in a group setting. Understand that she/he shows the true colors around familiar faces. But make sure you ask questions. Find out about this person, deeper than her bubble-gum lips. Girls, he might have something better than that toothy smile you seem to drool over.
Just remember, friends last longer than relationships.
Rule 23: You are on my list, baby
I made one and I really think its a good idea to make a list of things you need in your future mate. Make sure they are practical. Don't say that he must have a 6 pack and she must wear a dress every day. But do say that he must be concerned about his body, even if he shows off a 2 pack. Remember the list must be realist. You will never end up with Brad Pitt, but you can reach for the stars with a practical mate. Make sure you are open to changes. The perfect mate could be not so pretty. Just remember that love comes in different shapes and sizes.
Good luck and God bless