The challenging life of both single and college student life. Simple tips to get through day to day without pulling out your hair
Staying Alive In College
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
July 6: Please and Think
I have been thinking a lot lately about life and my path after college. I honestly have to say I don't know where I will be after school. Just think about it! What is your plan in a year?
I know many of you don't think past today or even tonight. But please think! For a short second just think. Please, before you decided to take a journey to the local pub, think before you drink. Please, before you take that new person back to your place 'for the night', think. Think about your future mate! Be smart, friends. Every action has a reaction. Don't let your actions now cause a horrific reaction for your future.
Students: Mainly focus on classes! An A never killed anyone. Singles: Focus on friendships. Lay a foundation to build upon. Don't build your life on sand because it will just wash away. Focus on a hard, solid foundation to succeed.
On that note,
Good luck and God bless
Monday, July 5, 2010
Your sound track sounds like a dying dog
Happy Summer. Ladies and Gentlemen, summer has arrived. If you are like me, then you must be insane. Seriously, I am not normal and I'm proud to admit it. I am insane, everyone. Your Junior girl has been stuck in summer classes while everyone else is sun tanning and chilling at the pool. My skin now has a glow to it. I need to actually break up with the computer.
Rule 23: I'm walking on sunshine and don't it feel good!
Don't stay inside. Really, the air conditioner is not your boyfriend. Go outside and catch the sun. Those four walls are tired of looking at your face. Bathe in sunscreen, wear a hat, and buy a new pair of shades. You, my friend, need to spend some quality time outside.
I understand your love for Twilight. I really do. But Robby skin isn't hot. Just remember, Team Taylor is the team that loves tans.
Rule 24: We shall not suffer alone
If you are an insane schoolaholic,like me, try to make the best of it. Make those group projects fun. Instead of the powerpoint presentations with the light blue background, change it to yellow. How crazy is that. Maybe you can have the image fade away slowly instead of fast. You dare devil, you. But, really focus on being creative. If you meet at the local cafe joint, bring your IPods. The music in cafes always have that depressing feeling. Something always about a dog dying or your mom dying. Why is someone dying? Shouldn't coffee make you happy. Shouldn't there be a song about a kid living or a baby being born. Don't you feel happy already?
Enjoy your summer. Have fun and be safe.
Good luck and God bless
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Though May I Ust Court You.
I pride myself on being completely clueless when it comes to relationships outside of friendships. Being a naturally shy person, I can't stand being in a situation where I have to be charming, adorable,talkative, and still keep that mysterious attitude. I'm sorry, but there is way too much pressure these days.
Summer often brings even more pressure. You have to look good and find that 'summer romance' you see in the movies. Well, not every guy is Gerald Butler nor is every girl is a Megan Fox.
Rule 22: Na,na,na,na Diva is the female version of a hustla.
Even though the opposite sex has that Fox or Butler quality to them, it doesn't mean that they are the brightest individuals out there. This means you need to get to know them before you ask the 'coffee question'. Hang out as friends in a group setting. Understand that she/he shows the true colors around familiar faces. But make sure you ask questions. Find out about this person, deeper than her bubble-gum lips. Girls, he might have something better than that toothy smile you seem to drool over.
Just remember, friends last longer than relationships.
Rule 23: You are on my list, baby
I made one and I really think its a good idea to make a list of things you need in your future mate. Make sure they are practical. Don't say that he must have a 6 pack and she must wear a dress every day. But do say that he must be concerned about his body, even if he shows off a 2 pack. Remember the list must be realist. You will never end up with Brad Pitt, but you can reach for the stars with a practical mate. Make sure you are open to changes. The perfect mate could be not so pretty. Just remember that love comes in different shapes and sizes.
Good luck and God bless
Summer often brings even more pressure. You have to look good and find that 'summer romance' you see in the movies. Well, not every guy is Gerald Butler nor is every girl is a Megan Fox.
Rule 22: Na,na,na,na Diva is the female version of a hustla.
Even though the opposite sex has that Fox or Butler quality to them, it doesn't mean that they are the brightest individuals out there. This means you need to get to know them before you ask the 'coffee question'. Hang out as friends in a group setting. Understand that she/he shows the true colors around familiar faces. But make sure you ask questions. Find out about this person, deeper than her bubble-gum lips. Girls, he might have something better than that toothy smile you seem to drool over.
Just remember, friends last longer than relationships.
Rule 23: You are on my list, baby
I made one and I really think its a good idea to make a list of things you need in your future mate. Make sure they are practical. Don't say that he must have a 6 pack and she must wear a dress every day. But do say that he must be concerned about his body, even if he shows off a 2 pack. Remember the list must be realist. You will never end up with Brad Pitt, but you can reach for the stars with a practical mate. Make sure you are open to changes. The perfect mate could be not so pretty. Just remember that love comes in different shapes and sizes.
Good luck and God bless
Thursday, May 20, 2010
((NEW)) Your Love - Nicki Minaj Official Music Video
This song is beyond beautiful and my youtube buddy here plays its so well. Great job. Please check him out.
I leave you with that little note. Leave him a shout out on your tubes!
Thanks buddy for letting me post this.
Also check out my forming group:Writing Out Underprivileged Cry. The website is This program is new and the kinks are still being straightened out.
I will write my next tip sometime next week. Enjoy your weekend.
Good luck and God bless!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Mary isn't that dense
Rule 22: Put A Smile On Your Face Now!!!
Mary walked into the office that day and sat down next to Joe. We know Joe from old stories, but Joe has been working out since then. That is right, ladies. His Biceps were awesome. So, to impress Mary one day, he sat down next to her and rolled up his sleeves.
Mary stares at Joe in confusion. But then Joe started to talk, "Hey Mary Bo Barry." Which was her full name. He says again," Hey, Mary Bo Barry. I want to introduce you to two of my friends." Mary became so excited. She wanted to meet someone cute and funny. Someone more interesting than Joe M. Freak. Which was is actual name.
Mary states," What are your friends' names?" He states, " Bi and Cept." Mary wasn't that bright and stated to him, "Guy and Mept?" And he said, "No, Bi and Cept." She says, " What do they like to do for fun?" Joe says," Well, Bi likes to flex and work out. Cept is the quiet type, but he is good company." She smiles big. They were both her type. With a questionable look on her face, she states, " Where are they? I would very much like to meet these guys." On the last word, which was of course guys, he rolls up his sleeves all the way. Mary being as silly as she was stated," Are they coming today or maybe stop by tomorrow."
Just a little something to put a smile on your face. Written by me while trying to study for finals. Have fun and you will see me after the semester!!! One more week, baby!!!!!
Good luck and God Bless
Friday, April 23, 2010
Beyonce - Halo (studio Christian cover)
Just want to share this with you guys! I love this song and make sure you subscribe to his channel. God bless and many blessing for the weeks to come of finals.
Monday, April 5, 2010
I Can Plan An Adventure.. I Really Can!
Good morning everyone. It is a beautiful spring day and things are looking up. But even with the semester slowly coming to an end, I'm still missing that feeling I had last year. You know the one. I think they call it excitement. Well,I haven't felt that way for awhile. But I had someone call me non adventurous the other day. I was lacking that spontaneous feeling I had back before college. What me. I had a brownie for breakfast, that is spontaneous. Well, not really. But its ok!
That is all about to change. I have one rule for myself and also for you.
Rule 21: Title less
Well, I haven't a title for this rule but here it goes. Your butt might be clued to the computer seat for the majority of the time,but I challenge you to pack up your backpack with a few items and head out. Include a lunch, bottle water, your school notebook, and your IPod. Take a quick bike ride,or a walk, to the local park and enjoy your time studying underneath a tree. Time is too short to not experience God's beautiful masterpiece.
Also invite your study group. You could take a study break and throw around the Frisbee. Enjoy yourself. You might be in college,but you haven't died. You are only in college once. Be smart and live wisely.
Good luck and God bless,
That is all about to change. I have one rule for myself and also for you.
Rule 21: Title less
Well, I haven't a title for this rule but here it goes. Your butt might be clued to the computer seat for the majority of the time,but I challenge you to pack up your backpack with a few items and head out. Include a lunch, bottle water, your school notebook, and your IPod. Take a quick bike ride,or a walk, to the local park and enjoy your time studying underneath a tree. Time is too short to not experience God's beautiful masterpiece.
Also invite your study group. You could take a study break and throw around the Frisbee. Enjoy yourself. You might be in college,but you haven't died. You are only in college once. Be smart and live wisely.
Good luck and God bless,
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Uncle Timmy Is Doing It Again
Taking One Step At A Time:By Art*Freak
For my friends on Polyvore, send me a quick PM if you want your set on one of my blogs. Good luck, ladies!
Happy Wednesday. I know I missed my Vent Tuesday, but I'm the one making the rules. So just one quick vent and onto business!
Rule 20: Never a Ma'am, Baby!
I was called Ma'am twice today. Last time I checked, I wasn't over 40. So guys, if you don't know their age, don't say the four letter word. One: it is disrespectful. Two:It leaves a horrible taste in the woman's mouth. The taste of old!
Use only Miss when addressing a female in a professional matter. Your response wont be a death stare. Remember, pay it forward. Don't call me Ma'am, and I wont call you Sugar in front of your friends. Got it, good!! Sugar!
So, Easter is right around the corner. This day is not only the celebration of resurrection of Jesus Christ, but also a family get together. My family and I have our traditions. We watch King of Kings and The Ten Commandments Easter Eve and have a nice dinner. The next day, we have the family.
Rule 21: חג פסחא שמח
This is Happy Easter in Hebrew! My only rule for this holiday weekend is to enjoy your family and those little traditions that make it interesting. You don't know if you will have your crazy cousin around next year. And maybe Uncle Timmy won't tell you how he got his 6 inch scar across his face while you are eating. No matter how annoying, treasure the memories. They all might be gone tomorrow. I promise you Uncle Timmy gave your ham that special flavor when he came over every year. Don't complain because family is family no matter how odd! Have fun.
Good luck and God bless.
Friday, March 26, 2010
I Don't See Sweat Yet
Enjoy the little set above. Credit to RoseGuitar!
Happy Sunday to all. It was truly a lovely, spring day. While I was getting dressed early this morning, I pulled out a pair of running shorts and a sweat shirt. I don't know about you, but I was ready to put all my layers back on. Shame, what shame. Cover your eyes. You know it's not pretty!
I work out as much as possible, but you never realize until you put on your summer clothes what you really look like.
So here are some of my work out tips I do every day.
Rule 18: Work it work it, make those bodies work it
Check out this helpful video to tone your legs.
Also work on those arms!v=PwEIAXTeICo&feature=related
I also run forwards and backwards. I do those touch laps. You might have hated them in high school, but they really work. So run a lap forward, touch down, then run a lap backwards. The backwards helps tone the upper thigh.
Remember what ever you do, have fun! Move around. Turn on your favorite band and forget that your body feels like its about to die. Sooner or later, you will feel pain, real pain. But remember, No Pain, No Gain! Working out can be fun if you make it fun. Involve your roommates. Even join a free class at your college. There is no stopping you to getting fit! But remember if you have any health problems, consult your doctor. I am obligated to say that!
Good luck and God bless!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Springing For A Break
Happy Spring, ladies and gents. This weekend brought something we all were dreaming for:a break. Goodbye winter storms and hello sunflowers. So, enjoy the weather!
Sadly, spring brings spring cleaning. Even though we are in college we can't forget this huge task before us. This brings me to my first rule for the day!
Rule 17: It Is Time To Give Up The Barbies
You are in college now, so get rid of those old toys. Keep a few items from your childhood but dump the rest. My favorite part of spring cleaning is giving all my stuff to charity. If you haven't worn it for over 6 months, then give it away. We are pack rats. Even though that sounds like a group from Grease, you can't pull it off like John Travolta . In the end, Barbie will have a better home and someone might actually wear that Nsync tshirt you got at age 13. But if you have to keep the odd- colored, stuffed animal from grade school, then pack it up in a little container and give it to Mom to hold for you. For some reason, Mom's like those little things. She will know exactly where to store it. *Cough cough* In her room!
Rule 18: Spring For Free
Spring brings warm weather. Warm weather brings outside activities and free fun. So this Saturday night, take your date to the park for some fun and games. Pack a lunch, a frisbee,and a soft blanket. She will find it romantic and a nice time to be alone with you. That, my friend, is called a job well done. So, while she isn't looking, pat yourself on the back and then thank me. And I will thank my friend for suggesting this fun activity to me the other day. So, let us help you!
My last rule is for those who are on spring break
Rule 19:Finish first, party last.
Spring break isn't really a break. Its just an excuse for professors to pile on more homework for you to do during the 'break'. So, as you weep loudly over the load of assignments due, think about this. Days don't make the work just disappear. So finish the work on the first few days of break and then you have the rest of the week to relax. I maybe the queen of procrastination,but I have learned to follow this rule. If you feel like partying first and doing homework last, good luck. Because after awhile, those weeping noises become louder the longer you wait.
So good luck with life, spring cleaning, and please stop crying. Summer is almost here and you know Mom will be happy to remove "Mr. Snuggles" from her bed to yours. Like I said, Mom's like to hold onto your old items. They say it's for their future grandchildren, but you know it's a lie. Poor Dad has shared a bed with a stuffed animal for a full semester.
But remember, it all works out in the end!
Good luck and God bless,
Monday, February 15, 2010
Heart Shaped Candy is Better
The day after tomorrow seems like a silly title. You know. It starts saying something but it seems meaningless. It is a joke. But today is the day after V Day. And many of you think the day after tomorrow you will stop eating all your candy and trade it in for a carrot. Yeah, like that is going to happen.
So the best thing about the day after V Day is clearance. This brings up my rule.
Rule 16: Scratch off the date and no one will know.
I love getting things on clearance and when you are young with a crummy job, you have to save money. So buy next years stuff today. Yup. Buy the candy, the hearts, the cards, EVERYTHING. But make sure the dates are good on the candy and no one will notice! Also find stuff you can use through out the year. Yeah. Your boyfriend wont notice you bought his gift on the day of love, but how romantic. So the key is to find things that are on sale but doesn't look like you bought it on sale. Want to impress your boss, bring in non-heart cookies you bought on SALE. He wont notice. If he doesn't notice the mustard stain on his shirt directly underneath his tie, he wont notice the red food coloring on the cookies.
So enjoy the clearance. Have a party in Target. BUT stop opening and closing those singing cards, after the 30th time the voices start sounding creepy. Just Dance sounded wrong originally. You don't want to make things worse!
SIDE NOTE(Candy doesn't expire for at least 3 years. So this tip isn't too much. It works. )
Good luck and God bless
So the best thing about the day after V Day is clearance. This brings up my rule.
Rule 16: Scratch off the date and no one will know.
I love getting things on clearance and when you are young with a crummy job, you have to save money. So buy next years stuff today. Yup. Buy the candy, the hearts, the cards, EVERYTHING. But make sure the dates are good on the candy and no one will notice! Also find stuff you can use through out the year. Yeah. Your boyfriend wont notice you bought his gift on the day of love, but how romantic. So the key is to find things that are on sale but doesn't look like you bought it on sale. Want to impress your boss, bring in non-heart cookies you bought on SALE. He wont notice. If he doesn't notice the mustard stain on his shirt directly underneath his tie, he wont notice the red food coloring on the cookies.
So enjoy the clearance. Have a party in Target. BUT stop opening and closing those singing cards, after the 30th time the voices start sounding creepy. Just Dance sounded wrong originally. You don't want to make things worse!
SIDE NOTE(Candy doesn't expire for at least 3 years. So this tip isn't too much. It works. )
Good luck and God bless
Sunday, February 14, 2010
He said the words to me on January 23, I do look better than Megan Fox
It has been so long since I've written on my blog. Don't worry, I will be posting more things. College is getting really busy. But I will try to make time for my peeps! I just wanted to wish you guys all a Happy New Year, Happy Martin Luther King Jr day, Happy Valentine's Day, and Happy President's Day. Now that you guys are all happy, I will post my advice.!
Today is actually the big VD. The day we all go to war for our love. Don't worry ladies and gents, all is not great in love and war. Brings up my next rule!
Rule(I forget the number): There is only One thing Two say, those Three words, That is what I think I will do!
Pink is everywhere. I honestly can't stand the perkiness, but VD isnt just about having that someone. Its about telling those who are close to you that you care and love them! So feel grat today! Also if you have someone, don't do too much because you will always have to top it the next year. This is my advice for guys! Girls, take it easy on your guy. He loves you and even though he might forget your birthday, your one week anniversary, or the first time he said that you looked hotter than Megan Fox(which was a stretch for him), give him some slack. He cares and he already has enough pressure from his mother to give you the best.
Next Rule: How to not eat all your chocolate hearts in one sitting
This one I cant answer for you! I love chocolate and once I actually finished a complete box of chocolates in 30 minutes. I am not proud of myself. Just have a fun day! And worry about those extra 5 pounds tomorrow. If you down an entire box because you are lonely today, don't let the VD blues get to you. Enjoy a great tasting bowl of lowfat cereal and Troy. You have the two best guys in one movie, Brad Pitt and Orlando Bloom. Sit back and enjoy!
Final Rule: 'My VD story is better than yours' girl
You know the girl. She is gorgeous and spent most of her time trying to figure out if her hair was too fluffy or too perfect for her VD date. Well, she is always the one to try to top your best stories. Your day was great, her day was better. Just be happy with what you have. Your day was great and you looked great, even in your pjs watching chick flicks all night. If this doesnt make you feel better, just remember she wont look the same in 15 years!
Good luck and God bless
Today is actually the big VD. The day we all go to war for our love. Don't worry ladies and gents, all is not great in love and war. Brings up my next rule!
Rule(I forget the number): There is only One thing Two say, those Three words, That is what I think I will do!
Pink is everywhere. I honestly can't stand the perkiness, but VD isnt just about having that someone. Its about telling those who are close to you that you care and love them! So feel grat today! Also if you have someone, don't do too much because you will always have to top it the next year. This is my advice for guys! Girls, take it easy on your guy. He loves you and even though he might forget your birthday, your one week anniversary, or the first time he said that you looked hotter than Megan Fox(which was a stretch for him), give him some slack. He cares and he already has enough pressure from his mother to give you the best.
Next Rule: How to not eat all your chocolate hearts in one sitting
This one I cant answer for you! I love chocolate and once I actually finished a complete box of chocolates in 30 minutes. I am not proud of myself. Just have a fun day! And worry about those extra 5 pounds tomorrow. If you down an entire box because you are lonely today, don't let the VD blues get to you. Enjoy a great tasting bowl of lowfat cereal and Troy. You have the two best guys in one movie, Brad Pitt and Orlando Bloom. Sit back and enjoy!
Final Rule: 'My VD story is better than yours' girl
You know the girl. She is gorgeous and spent most of her time trying to figure out if her hair was too fluffy or too perfect for her VD date. Well, she is always the one to try to top your best stories. Your day was great, her day was better. Just be happy with what you have. Your day was great and you looked great, even in your pjs watching chick flicks all night. If this doesnt make you feel better, just remember she wont look the same in 15 years!
Good luck and God bless
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