The challenging life of both single and college student life. Simple tips to get through day to day without pulling out your hair
Staying Alive In College

Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Uncle Timmy Is Doing It Again
Taking One Step At A Time:By Art*Freak
For my friends on Polyvore, send me a quick PM if you want your set on one of my blogs. Good luck, ladies!
Happy Wednesday. I know I missed my Vent Tuesday, but I'm the one making the rules. So just one quick vent and onto business!
Rule 20: Never a Ma'am, Baby!
I was called Ma'am twice today. Last time I checked, I wasn't over 40. So guys, if you don't know their age, don't say the four letter word. One: it is disrespectful. Two:It leaves a horrible taste in the woman's mouth. The taste of old!
Use only Miss when addressing a female in a professional matter. Your response wont be a death stare. Remember, pay it forward. Don't call me Ma'am, and I wont call you Sugar in front of your friends. Got it, good!! Sugar!
So, Easter is right around the corner. This day is not only the celebration of resurrection of Jesus Christ, but also a family get together. My family and I have our traditions. We watch King of Kings and The Ten Commandments Easter Eve and have a nice dinner. The next day, we have the family.
Rule 21: חג פסחא שמח
This is Happy Easter in Hebrew! My only rule for this holiday weekend is to enjoy your family and those little traditions that make it interesting. You don't know if you will have your crazy cousin around next year. And maybe Uncle Timmy won't tell you how he got his 6 inch scar across his face while you are eating. No matter how annoying, treasure the memories. They all might be gone tomorrow. I promise you Uncle Timmy gave your ham that special flavor when he came over every year. Don't complain because family is family no matter how odd! Have fun.
Good luck and God bless.
Friday, March 26, 2010
I Don't See Sweat Yet
Enjoy the little set above. Credit to RoseGuitar!
Happy Sunday to all. It was truly a lovely, spring day. While I was getting dressed early this morning, I pulled out a pair of running shorts and a sweat shirt. I don't know about you, but I was ready to put all my layers back on. Shame, what shame. Cover your eyes. You know it's not pretty!
I work out as much as possible, but you never realize until you put on your summer clothes what you really look like.
So here are some of my work out tips I do every day.
Rule 18: Work it work it, make those bodies work it
Check out this helpful video to tone your legs.
Also work on those arms!v=PwEIAXTeICo&feature=related
I also run forwards and backwards. I do those touch laps. You might have hated them in high school, but they really work. So run a lap forward, touch down, then run a lap backwards. The backwards helps tone the upper thigh.
Remember what ever you do, have fun! Move around. Turn on your favorite band and forget that your body feels like its about to die. Sooner or later, you will feel pain, real pain. But remember, No Pain, No Gain! Working out can be fun if you make it fun. Involve your roommates. Even join a free class at your college. There is no stopping you to getting fit! But remember if you have any health problems, consult your doctor. I am obligated to say that!
Good luck and God bless!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Springing For A Break
Happy Spring, ladies and gents. This weekend brought something we all were dreaming for:a break. Goodbye winter storms and hello sunflowers. So, enjoy the weather!
Sadly, spring brings spring cleaning. Even though we are in college we can't forget this huge task before us. This brings me to my first rule for the day!
Rule 17: It Is Time To Give Up The Barbies
You are in college now, so get rid of those old toys. Keep a few items from your childhood but dump the rest. My favorite part of spring cleaning is giving all my stuff to charity. If you haven't worn it for over 6 months, then give it away. We are pack rats. Even though that sounds like a group from Grease, you can't pull it off like John Travolta . In the end, Barbie will have a better home and someone might actually wear that Nsync tshirt you got at age 13. But if you have to keep the odd- colored, stuffed animal from grade school, then pack it up in a little container and give it to Mom to hold for you. For some reason, Mom's like those little things. She will know exactly where to store it. *Cough cough* In her room!
Rule 18: Spring For Free
Spring brings warm weather. Warm weather brings outside activities and free fun. So this Saturday night, take your date to the park for some fun and games. Pack a lunch, a frisbee,and a soft blanket. She will find it romantic and a nice time to be alone with you. That, my friend, is called a job well done. So, while she isn't looking, pat yourself on the back and then thank me. And I will thank my friend for suggesting this fun activity to me the other day. So, let us help you!
My last rule is for those who are on spring break
Rule 19:Finish first, party last.
Spring break isn't really a break. Its just an excuse for professors to pile on more homework for you to do during the 'break'. So, as you weep loudly over the load of assignments due, think about this. Days don't make the work just disappear. So finish the work on the first few days of break and then you have the rest of the week to relax. I maybe the queen of procrastination,but I have learned to follow this rule. If you feel like partying first and doing homework last, good luck. Because after awhile, those weeping noises become louder the longer you wait.
So good luck with life, spring cleaning, and please stop crying. Summer is almost here and you know Mom will be happy to remove "Mr. Snuggles" from her bed to yours. Like I said, Mom's like to hold onto your old items. They say it's for their future grandchildren, but you know it's a lie. Poor Dad has shared a bed with a stuffed animal for a full semester.
But remember, it all works out in the end!
Good luck and God bless,
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